
Är det demokrati i Kambodja?



  1. Är det demokrati i Kambodja?
  2. Is Angkor Thom a city or a temple?
  3. Is it possible to walk around Angkor Thom?
  4. How many faces are there in Angkor Thom?
  5. What is unique about Baphuon in Angkor Thom?

Är det demokrati i Kambodja?

Kambodja är formellt en demokrati, men utmärks av en auktoritär regering och omfattande korruption. Regelbundna val hålls men de demokratiska bristerna är stora och landet domineras helt av regeringspartiet CPP. Rättssystemet är politiskt styrt.

Is Angkor Thom a city or a temple?

It’s not, it’s a whole city. “Angkor” means “city” and “Thom” means big – so the clue is in the name: Angkor Thom refers to what once was a great Khmer city and includes a whole host of temples and sites of historical interest.

Is it possible to walk around Angkor Thom?

It is possible to walk around the whole Angkor Thom wall. There are a couple of steep scrambles to get up and down at the gates, but a walk round the wall is a lovely way to explore the Angkor Park. 2. The south west corner of the Angkor Thom wall, overlooking the moat, is a lovely sunset spot. 3. Don’t just visit Bayon.

How many faces are there in Angkor Thom?

Angkor Thom site is 10sq km in size. 2. There are 216 faces on the Bayon temple. 3. Baphuon temple in Angkor Thom became one of the world’s largest jigsaw puzzles when the records from the carefully mapped pieces that had been taken apart were destroyed during the Khmer Rouge.

What is unique about Baphuon in Angkor Thom?

The third level has a central circular tower, which is unique in Khmer Architecture. Baphuon is located 200m west of Bayon and was marked as the center of the city when the whole of Angkor Thom was fully complete. A pyramidal representation of Mount Meru, at the time, it was probably one of the most impressive of the Angkor temples.